The Majesty of God

The Majesty of God

The Bible says in Revelation 4:8, “And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him; and they were full of eyes within: and they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come.” The book of Revelation was given by Jesus Christ to the Apostle John and provides us with a view of things that have happened and things that will happen. The things that will happen primarily cover a seven-year period, and we see what happens in Heaven and on earth during that time period.

Revelation 4:8 gives us a view of things that will happen in Heaven during the first part of that seven-year period. We see a throne in Heaven on which God is seated. We also see four beasts about the throne that are continually saying, “Holy, Holy, Holy”. The beasts are praising God because He is worthy to be adored. We see those in Heaven praising God and one day every knee shall bow before the Lord (Romans 14:11).

God deserves our praise because He created each of us and gave us life.

Since those in Heaven already praise God and one day every knee shall bow before the Lord; then we who are on the earth and have received Jesus Christ as our Savior should be praising God now. God deserves our praise because He created each of us. He gave each of us life. He provides each of us with everything we need. Without God we would not exist, Without God there would be no hope.

God is worthy of our praise. Do you praise Him, or do you take Him for granted?

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